Pressures are mounting!
There is so much to worry about, so much to take care of. Does it feel like it’s all on your shoulders?
The list doesn’t end; it keeps running in your head all day. How do people organize and prioritize their lives?
Dinner, laundry, kids, school, work, workout, quiet time, dog walking, doing your hair and makeup, and cleaning the bathroom. You think, “It feels like I am 40% trying to get to 100% daily.”
There is also so much pressure to do it perfectly. How do you live up to everyone’s standards? You have standards to meet on social media, in your community, and with your family and friends. You get different messages from society and others, making you feel pulled in many different directions.
Life holds you back!
All of these expectations and pressures lead you to feel anxious and depressed.
Your family needs you to be 100%, but you can’t get there because of your list! It’s a never-ending cycle.
If you keep going down this road, you cannot care for your family or yourself.
Something needs to change. There has to be some difference in your life to make you step out of the pressures and expectations that take over.
Let it go!
Like most women who have many obligations, you need to find help with your personal growth. Demands from others diminish the time you need for self-reflection.
Change occurs when you decide to let go of the expectations you are putting on yourself and others are putting on you. It’s not all yours to carry. You don’t have to take everyone’s load.
I will walk with you as you learn to take care of yourself first so that you can then take care of your family. You will learn skills to help you communicate your needs as you become aware of those needs. We aim for you to create a more fulfilling life as you deal with the challenges of being a woman.
You will find freedom from the pressures, expectations, and joy in your life and your family again.
Now is the time to reach out – let’s talk about finding yourself again.